Peach Kefir Smoothie

Peach Kefir Smoothie

Peaches are not in season for that much longer so encourage you to incorporate them while you can. I highly recommend eating seasonal as much as possible in order to obtain the most nutrients from the food you consume. Variety is key to a well balanced diet so please try and avoid eating the same foods over and over.

Kefir is rich in probiotics essential for good digestion but is also high in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Kefir supports the repair of the digestive tract and is fantastic for healing an irritated gut. It contains loads of B vitamins, calcium and vitamin K but also helps the body assimilate vitamins. I choose a local organic kefir when possible.

Even when following a strict Paleo diet I recommend including this fermented dairy. Fermented foods are essential for good digestion but there are many other fermented foods to try including, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and miso to name a few. Look for these products in the fridge at your local health food store.

Peach Kefir Smoothie

Serves 1

  • 3/4 cup ice cubes
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 very ripe peach (if they are small use a whole peach)
  • 1/4 cup plain unsweetened kefir
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • Scoop of vanilla protein powder
  1. Blend all the ingredients together in a high speed blender and serve.

Note: For children I replace the protein powder with 1 tablespoon chia and add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a few drops of stevia or a date.